The War Has Come Home to Roost in Hawai’i | Twitter/X

Editor’s Note: We the People have been betrayed by our own federal and state governments. attacked by a coordinated efforts by the Intel community, the Department of Defense, The Pentagon, and four U.S. Presidents (Clinton, Bush, Obama & Biden) who have committed horrendous acts of treason against the U.S. Constitution and the citizens of the United States.

Several days ago Lahaina, Maui, Hawai’i was bombed by Direct Energy Weapon (DEW) lasers from space, a planned demolition (like the World Trade Center on 9/11) to make room for an AI governed smart city. It was accomplished under the cover of a distant hurricane with high winds when the U.S. Navy has coincidentally been out of port the day before. They blamed it all on climate change.

Here’s a few accounts on the ground.

Source: Twitter/X

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