TUCKER CARLSON: Democrats think Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the face of extremism | Fox News

Tucker takes a closer look at the Democratic Party’s treatment of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Sometimes you wonder just how filthy and dishonest our news media are. We’ll be in the shower and you’ll think they’re bad, but how bad are they? 

Well, here’s one measure of their badness. You can try this at home. Ask yourself, is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers? Anyone who’d do that is obviously Pablo Escobar level corrupt and should not be trusted. What would that look like? That level of corruption? 

Well, imagine that the Trump administration had made it mandatory for American citizens to buy MyPillow. That’s one of Fox News’s biggest advertisers. Imagine the administration declared that if you didn’t rush out and buy at least one MyPillow and then at least another booster pillow, you would not be allowed to eat out. You couldn’t reenter your own country. You couldn’t have a paying job. MyPillow, they told you with a straight face, was the very linchpin of our country’s public health system.  

Now, imagine as they told you that that Fox as a news organization endorsed it, amplified the government’s message. Imagine if Fox News attacked anyone who refused to buy MyPillow as an ally of Russia as an enemy of science and then imagine that Fox kept up those libelous attacks, even as evidence mounted that MyPillow caused heart attacks, fertility problems and death. If Fox News did that, what would you think of Fox News? Would you trust us? Of course, you wouldn’t. You would know that we were liars.  

Thank heavens Fox News never did anything like that, but the other channels did. The other channels took hundreds of millions of dollars from Big Pharma companies and then they shelled for their sketchy products on the air and as they did that, they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products. At the very least, this was a moral crime. It was disgusting, but it was universal. It happened across the American news media. They all did it. 

So, at this point, the question isn’t who in public life is corrupt? Too many to count. The question is who is telling the truth? There are not many of those. One of them is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert Kennedy knew early that the COVID vaccines were both ineffective and potentially dangerous and he said so in public to the extent he was allowed. Science has since proven Robert f. Kennedy Jr. right. Unequivocally right.


But Kennedy was not rewarded for this. He was vilified. He was censored because he dared to criticize their advertisers, the news media called Bobby Kennedy a Nazi, and then they attacked his family, but he kept doing it. He was not intimidated and we were glad he wasn’t. This is one of those moments when it’s nice to have a truth teller around. It’s helpful because suddenly the stakes are very high. 

Considering what’s happening in Ukraine, a topic most of us don’t know much about because the details are not reported. It was a year ago that every media outlet in the United States, from USA Today to the New York Times told you it was a dangerous conspiracy theory to believe the U.S. government had ever funded secret biolabs in Ukraine. The idea was ridiculous. In fact, it was Russian disinformation

And then one day in sworn testimony, Toria Nuland of the State Department accidentally admitted that it was true. Yes, she said there are many secret biolabs in Ukraine and “We are now, in fact, quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of them.”  


Wait a second, you may be wondering, why does the U.S. government maintain secret biolabs in a primitive country like Ukraine? Why not Austria? Why Ukraine? And why didn’t we dismantle and remove the secret biolabs when the war with Russia started? Nobody ever explained that this show was attacked for asking the question. 

Now we have learned that actually it is far worse than just biolabs. Not only has the Biden administration been maintaining these labs in Ukraine in the middle of a war, it also has “sensitive nuclear technology” in Ukraine as well and no, we’re not making that up. They admitted it today. Watch.  

NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER: While Ukrainian staff are still operating the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, it does fall under the control of Russian armed forces and is currently being managed by Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy firm Rosatom. So, this is a significant concern. Essentially, in this letter that has been reviewed by CNN, sent by the U.S. Department of Energy to Rosatom, the U.S. government has essentially warned Moscow not to touch this up region nuclear power plant because of this sensitive American nuclear technology at the plant. 

So many questions here, but I’ll begin with the biggest one. What exactly is “sensitive American nuclear technology?” Sensitive American nuclear technology? Probably not to produce energy. No one in the media is going to ask that question, but if it’s in the middle of Ukraine, in the middle of a war, it stands to reason this sensitive American nuclear technology has military applications. In other words, these are nuclear weapons. What else could they be? We’ll stop speculating there, but take three steps back. This is all so crazy and so reckless, it is hard to believe it’s happening.  

Here you have a Democratic president gone completely off the rails, completely with existentially dangerous consequences, prosecuting a war that can only hurt the United States – a war with no upside. It is awful to watch, but it is not without precedent. 

Something similar happened 55 years ago in 1968, another remarkably turbulent and ugly year in American history that has many parallels to this. That spring in March of 1968, Robert F. Kennedy Sr., the former attorney general, the brother to the slain president, announced his candidacy against the incumbent fellow Democrat, Lyndon Johnson and the overriding issue then, as now, was a pointless war then in progress. This is from Robert Kennedy Sr.’s announcement:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at an event where he announced his run for president on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel, in Boston. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds) (AP )

ROBERT F. KENNEDY SR: I am announcing today my candidacy for the presidency of the United States. I run to seek new policies, policies to end the bloodshed in Vietnam and in our cities, policies to close the gaps that now exist between Black and White, between rich and poor, between young and old in this country and around the rest of the world. I run for the presidency because I want the Democratic Party and the United States of America to stand for hope instead of despair, for reconciliation of man, instead of the growing risk of world war.  

To be clear, Robert F. Kennedy was not against all war on principle. He was against that war because he believed with a lot of evidence, that it was not helping the United States in any way, but you weren’t allowed to say that. He did. Party bosses hated him for that, but rank and file Democrats loved him. They put pictures of his face in their homes like icons. In the end, they named a football stadium after him in Washington. That was more than half a century ago. He was, of course, murdered in June of that year, but now Kennedy’s son is embarking on a similar challenge to his own party and for similar reasons. Robert F. Kennedy Jr announced today that he’s running for president in the primary against Joe Biden. Here’s part of what he said.  

ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR: We were told initially that the objective was humanitarian. Many of the steps that we’ve taken in the Ukraine have seemed to indicate that our interest is in prolonging the war rather than shortening it. So, if those are objectives, to have regime change and exhaust the Russians out is completely antithetical to a humanitarian mission. 

That’s supposed to be the face of extremism, but that’s not extreme. It’s rational and calm and well deliberated. Bobby Kennedy himself is not extreme. He is deeply insightful and above all, he is honest. No matter what you think of the substance of what he says. 

Here, for example, is his recent analysis of the Biden administration’s foreign policy. Big picture: “The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power. China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting instead economic power. Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges and airports. China has spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world. The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the neocon short lived American century.”  


Now, you may agree with that analysis. Maybe you don’t. Either way, if you’re an honest person, you understand this is exactly the moment in our history when we need serious adult conversations about the world around us, a world that is changing to our detriment and how we ought to respond to those changes. 

Bobby Kennedy would love to have those conversations. He’s not running to get rich. He’s trying to make things better, but he’s not allowed to have those conversations. He’s been censored. Other media won’t even talk to him. He criticized their advertisers. Here was the reaction on television today:

JOHN KING, CNN: The anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr has filed paperwork to run for president as a Democrat in 2024. 

JOHN HARWOOD, CNN: You see it on Fox News. You see it from Joe Rogan. You hear it from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. There are a lot of dangerous people out there who are not accepting the fact that these vaccines protect people from dying from COVID.  

KURT ANDERSEN, AUTHOR ON MSNBC:  I’ve written for years about Robert Kennedy and other liberals who are absurd in their anti-vaccine, anti-science activities. 

JOY REID, MSNBC: People like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the people with big platforms that are using them to be anti-mask and anti-vax. 

He’s extreme. He’s dangerous, said one. Notice, not there, not anywhere is a point-by-point rebuttal of his actual points. They never engage him on the facts. They can’t. They would lose. Instead, they impugn his character. Now, that man they call dangerous is Joe Biden’s leading primary opponent and their view remains the same. Shut up. You’re not allowed to talk

We disagree with that. We’re not Democrats, but Bobby Kennedy is one of the most remarkable people we have ever met, and we are honored to have him on our show.

Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight

The Democrat Party Reportedly Received Half Its Donations from Unemployed Americans, Many Are Elderly Voters Whose Identities May Have Been Stolen – Where’s the Money Really Coming From? | The Gateway Pundit

By Joe Hoft

This report brings together corrupt and criminal actions by the Democrat Party ignored by the GOP, the mainstream media, and law enforcement. 

In 2020 millions were reportedly donated to BLM after George Floyd was killed.  At the same time, 20+ police were killed and American cities suffered nearly $2 billion in record damages following the George Floyd riots.

The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that ActBlue was raising money using BLM as its front group.  ActBlue is the Democrats’ funding apparatus.  We know this from our early reporting and from the fact that BLM later admitted this.  In 2022 Black Lives Matter announced in February 2022 that the organization was deactivating its fundraising pages on ActBlue.  This was after the Washington Examiner exposed that BLM was still accepting donations on the Democratic platform despite claiming it had stopped amid questions about its finances.

The Daily Caller confirmed that ActBlue was using BLM to raise money. BLM is not a recognized non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services’ to BLM.

Candice Owen reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that their findings confirmed what TGP and Candice Owen reported:

Thousand Currents was allegedly a non-profit organization and Susan Rosenberg served on its Board.  Susan Rosenberg was a member of the Weather Underground terrorist group, which included Obama friend Bill Ayers.  President Bill Clinton gave her a pardon on his last day in office.

So in summary contributions to BLM were funneled through ActBlue, the major resource for Democrat donations, and then funneled to at least one organization run by a member of a domestic terrorist group.

In early 2020 FOX News reported that half of all donations to ActBlue in 2019 came from “untraceable, unemployed donors.”

A  preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund, obtained exclusively by Fox News, has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed.

“After downloading hundreds of millions of [dollars in] donations to the Take Back Action Fund servers, we were shocked to see that almost half of the donations to ActBlue in 2019 claimed to be unemployed individuals,” he said. “The name of employers must be disclosed when making political donations, but more than 4.7 million donations came from people who claimed they did not have an employer. Those 4.7 million donations totaled $346 million ActBlue raised and sent to liberal causes.”

Action Fund’s President John Pudner had this to say regarding the finding:

“It is hard to believe that at a time when the U.S. unemployment rate was less than 4 percent, that unemployed people had $346 million dollars to send to ActBlue for liberal causes,” Pudner said, adding that “4.7 million donations from people without a job … raised serious concerns.”

Shortly after the report in FOX News, TGP reported that according to Real Clear Politics, ActBlue cannot confirm if donations to its website are US or foreign donations:

“When Take Back Our Republic first pointed out in 2015 that foreign interests could potentially use gift cards to flood money in through ActBlue’s unverified credit card system, more than 100 members of Congress stopped using the system and 31 Democrats joined 52 Republicans in trying to outlaw the practice,” said John Pudner, president of Take Back Action Fund.

“It took vendors only a few hours to change their setup to allow the banks to verify if donations were really from Americans,” Pudner added. “Unfortunately, as things turned harshly partisan after Trump’s election, ActBlue doubled down and moved more and more candidates onto an unverified system at a time when intelligence officials are warning that foreign interests want to impact who wins our elections. TBAF asks ActBlue to join the hundreds who have stopped using this system.”

TGP also reported that ActBlue Texas was caught paying out small sums to hundreds of individuals for unknown purposes.

Per a review of ActBlue Texas disbursements via the website TransparencyUSA.org, there are hundreds of individuals being paid by ActBlue Texas for similar small amounts (e.g. $300 or $250) who are not candidates running for office.  In total, ActBlue Texas has paid out $9.6 million in disbursements.  We have no idea who most these people are.

Could ActBlue Texas be paying rioters for their attempts to destroy American cities?  

Was this happening in other states as well?

Trending: DEVELOPING: McDonald’s Shuts US Offices, Prepares For Layoffs

This led us to ask whether China or some other foreign adversary is behind the millions in donations ActBlue labels as ‘unemployed’ individuals. 

This leads us to today.  

TGP reported yesterday that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer received a surprising large number of small-dollar donations in her 2022 campaign race – $18,469,000 from a total of 185,556 donations, averaging about $100 per donation.

Donors gave a huge number of donations, in very small amounts, to Democrat candidates around the country.  Their occupations were recorded as unemployed.  We noted this after the 2022 Election in Georgia where Senate candidate Raphael Warnock was given $24 million in over 358,000 donations.

Earlier this week, James O’Keefe and O’Keefe Media Group published a video of his visits to the homes of a small sample of these campaign finance mules in Maryland.  To his surprise, many of these donors had no idea they were making so many donations for Democrat candidates, adding up to thousands of dollars in 2022 political donations.

The donors all appeared to be over 70 years old which is why they were classified as unemployed.  It also appears as if their identities may have been stolen and used to launder money to Democrat candidates.

Evidence shows that half of Democrat donations are coming from small donations attributed to unemployed elderly voters whose identity may have been stolen.  Who is really donating to the Democrats?

Why has the Republican Party ignored this?

Democrats are obviously partaking in a donations fraud scheme.   This needs further investigation.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

Bill Maher Stuns Liberal Audience By Comparing Woke Mob To Enforcers Of Mao Revolution | Trending Politics

By Kyle Becker

Bill Maher in his latest installment of ‘Real Time’ absolutely nails the threat that ‘Woke revolutionaries’ pose to America.

“Finally, new rule,” Maher said. “If you’re part of today’s Woke revolution, you need to study the part of revolutions where they spin out of control. Because the revolutionaries get so drunk on their own purifying elixir, they imagine they can reinvent the very nature of human beings.”

“Communists thought selfishness could be cast out of human nature,” he continued. “Russian revolutionaries spoke of ‘the new Soviet man’ who wasn’t motivated by self-interest, but instead wanted to be part of a collective. No, it turns out he wanted to be on a yacht in a Gucci tracksuit holding a vodka and a prostitute not standing in line all day for a potato.”

“The problem with communism and with some very recent ideologies here at home is that they think you can change reality by screaming at it,” he went on. “That you can bend human nature by holding your breath. But that’s the difference between reality and your mommy.”

“Lincoln once said that you can repeal all past history, but you still cannot repeal human nature,” he added. “But he’s canceled now, so fuck him.”

“Yes. I asked Chat GPT: Are there any similarities between today’s woke revolution and Chairman Mao’s cultural revolution of the 1960s?” he asked. “And it wrote back: ‘How long do you have?’”

“Because, again, in China we saw how a revolutionary thought he could do a page one rewrite of humans,” Maher continued. “Mao ordered his citizens to throw off the ‘four olds’ — old thinking, old culture, old customs, and old habits. So, your whole life went in the garbage overnight, no biggie. And those who resisted were attacked by an army of ‘purifiers’ called the Red Guard who went around the country putting dunce caps on people. Yeah. Who didn’t take to being a new kind of mortal being,. A lot of pointing and shaming went on.”

“Oh, and about a million dead,” he added. “And the only way to survive was to plead insanity for the crime of being insufficiently radical. Then apologize and thank the state for the chance to see what a piece of shit you are. And of course, submit to reeducation or as we call it here in America, freshman orientation.”

“Listen to this story,” he went on. “There’s a law professor at the University of Illinois Chicago named Jason Kilborn, whose crime was that on one of his exams, he used a hypothetical case or a black female worker sued her employer for race and discrimination alleging that managers had called her two slur words — the type of real world case these students might one day confront and knowing the extreme sensitivity of today’s students. He didn’t write the two taboo words on the test, just the first letter of each. He was teaching his students how to fight racism in the place where it matters most: the criminal justice system. But because he merely alluded to those words, again, in the service of a good cause, he was banned from campus, placed on indefinite leave and made to wear the ‘dunce cap.’

“No, not really the dunce cap part, but our American version of that — eight weeks of sensitivity training, weekly 90 minute sessions with a diversity trainer, and having to write five self-reflection papers,” he continued. “A grown ass man, a liberal law professor. If you can’t see the similarities between that and this, the person need needs reeducation is you.”

“Yes, we, we do have our own Red Guard here, but they do their rampaging on Twitter,” he said. “Here’s a cute example from a couple of years ago, the banjo player from Mumford and Sons tweeted that he liked a book, a book that apparently had not been approved by the revolution. So of course he had to delete the tweet, then take time away from the band. Oh my God, you mean this could have affected Mumford and Sons?”

“And then, the cringing apology,” Maher said. “‘I have come to better understand the pain caused by the book I endorsed.’ Pain? From a book? Unless he hit the drummer over the head with it…”

“What happened to, ‘I can read whatever the fuck I want’?” Maher said. “Yeah, don’t worry, I’m a musician. It won’t happen again.”

“There was once a very different musician named John Lennon who wrote a song called Revolution and people who didn’t really listen to it thought it was a ‘rah rah’ call for revolution,” he continued. “No, it was the opposite. The lyrics are, ‘You say you want a revolution? Well, you know, we all want to change the world, but if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t gonna make it with anybody anyhow.’ There’s a guy who understood how good intentions can turn into the insane arrogance of thinking, ‘your revolution is so fucking awesome and your generation is so mind bendingly improved that you have bequeathed the world with a new kind of human. You’re welcome.”

“With communists, that human was no longer selfish,” he said. “In America today, that human is no longer born male or female. And obesity is not something that affects health. You can be healthy at any size. Really. We voted on it.”

“A formerly serious magazine last year, published with a straight face, an article called ‘Separating Sports by Sex Doesn’t Make Sense.’ Yes, it does,” Marher said. “Because, again, we haven’t reinvented Homo Sapien since Crystal Pepsi came out.”

“I’ve spent three decades on TV mocking Republicans who said climate change was just a theory and now I gotta deal with people who say, you know what else is just a theory biology,” he quipped.

Well, Climate Change isn’t a theory, but Manmade Climate Change is one. That’s because Climate Changes and has since the beginning of the earth. It’s supreme arrogance to believe that mankind is about to ‘end the world’ with modern civilization unless it turns over power to the same Woke revolutionaries that Maher decries.

After all, one percent of the humans are dying today from natural disasters than they did a hundred years ago. 99.9% of humanity survived Covid, but that was another pretext for Woke revolutionaries to seize more power. Communism comes in many guises and its cult followers seize on any pretext to institute their totalitarian rule.

Maher’s monologue is an excellent reminder of that, even if he doesn’t hammer all the particulars. It needs to be seen by every American to really grasp what they are now up against.

Source: Trending Politics


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Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
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Feds Could’ve Stopped Jan. 6 Riots From Happening | Newsbusters & NBC News

During a Tuesday night segment on NBC Nightly News, justice and intelligence correspondent Ken Dilanian had an exclusive sitdown interview with the former federal prosecutor and chief investigator of the January 6 Committee, Tim Heaphy who told Dilanian that the federal government could’ve prevented the January 6 riot at the Capitol if they took the intelligence they received seriously and acted on the threats that were received about the rioters’ intentions that day.

What was just as out of the ordinary for NBC was the admission that among the more than 800 pages in the January 6 Committee’s report, none of it included their findings on the failure of law enforcement to prevent the riots. Anchor Lester Holt made as much clear in the opening moments of the segment before tossing to Dilanian: 

“The January 6 Committee’s final report was more than 800 pages, but some material did not make the cut, including much of its findings on the failures of federal law enforcement leading up to the attack,” Holt admitted. 

“The images of the attack on the capitol stunned America and the world. And tonight, in an exclusive interview, the chief investigator of the January 6 Committee says the government could have prevented it,” Dilanian reported before turning to Heaphy to ask “had law enforcement agencies acted on the available intelligence, do you believe the attack on the capitol could have been could have been successfully repelled?”

Heaphy responded: “I think it would have been a lot different had law enforcement taken a more assertive protective posture. The Intel in advance was pretty specific, and it was enough in our view for law enforcement to have done a better job operationalizing a secure perimeter.” 

“Law enforcement had a very direct role in contributing to surely the failures—the security failures that led to the violence,” Heaphy added. 

Dilanian revealed how “people familiar with the committee’s work tell NBC News members downplayed that finding because they wanted to keep the focus on former President Trump. Committee members dispute that.” 

That admission was followed by Dilanian reporting how “Heaphy says the committee found the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and other agencies did not act on the intelligence they had, including this online threat forwarded to capitol police January 5, calling for thousands to go to Washington and help storm the capitol.” 

Yet, according to Dilanian, “the FBI said it sent all the intelligence it had to the capitol police. DHS and capitol police say they’ve taken steps to make sure threat intelligence is better analyzed and shared.”  

Now they tell us that law enforcement didn’t take the intelligence seriously or failed to act on it. Well over a month after the January 6 Committee report was released, these key findings were conveniently left out of the over 800-page report. Instead, the hyper-partisan committee was more focused on what former President Donald Trump says was a political witch hunt against him. 

Source: Newscasters & NBC News


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
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A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course. Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
(3rd Edition)
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This comprehensive book, goes far beyond the immediate impact of the “pandemic”, but, along with the reader, imagines how our human world may be altered, both positively and negatively, long into an uncertain future. Available Now!

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Tucker Carlson: Antifa is the Armed Militia of the Democratic Party and is Back in Force | YouTube

Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight & YouTube


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
(30th Anniversary Edition)
(3-Volume Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course. Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
(3rd Edition)
(Printed, Bound Book or PDF)

This comprehensive book, goes far beyond the immediate impact of the “pandemic”, but, along with the reader, imagines how our human world may be altered, both positively and negatively, long into an uncertain future. Available Now!

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Counterfeit Cash Financed Midterm Democrats | The Epoch Times

Samuel Bankman-Fried, founder and former CEO of FTX, testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, on Feb. 9, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

By Thomas McArdle

With facial recognition technology able to find a wanted man who strolls in front of a surveillance camera anywhere in the world, and artificial intelligence able to generate deepfake video impersonations so realistic that Congress began panicking about its potential for abuse over three years ago, foolproof counterfeit currency is hardly a heavy lift.

But physical cash has become almost a relic of the 20th century. Counterfeit dollars just used by Democrats to restrain the widely predicted Republican “red wave” was wealth that existed within cyberspace, the result of a bamboozling of investors perpetrated by a now-washed-up tycoon in his 20s whose treasure chest ended up consisting of play money. If you thought Republicans were the party of big business and the heartless rich, you might be wondering how Democrats managed to outspend Republicans in key races this year, like John Fetterman raking in nearly $48 million in his Pennsylvania U.S. Senate campaign, while the GOP opponent he defeated, Mehmet Oz, took in only about $12 million, (augmented by loaning himself $21 million). Or incumbent New Hampshire U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan being re-elected after raising $38 million, while her GOP challenger, Trump-backed retired Gen. Don Bolduc, pulled in a mere $2.2. million. A big part of the answer is that Democrats are now the party of the snake oil mogul.

Despite his unprepossessing image, often seen in a t-shirt and shorts, Sam Bankman-Fried is an MIT physics grad who was a billionaire before age 30. Defying the usual American entrepreneurial norms of familial stability and respect for the law, Bankman-Fried headquartered his cash cow in the tax haven of the Bahamas and, if we are to believe reports, enlisted a board of senior executives/roommates which doubled as his own polyamorous commune.

Before his financial scam came crashing to an end this month and over $2 billion in FTX clients’ investments dissolved, Bankman-Friend had handed Joe Biden $10 million during the 2020 presidential election and gave Democrats over $40 million in this year’s midterms, likely buying the party a majority in the U.S. Senate in the next Congress. Now ruined, he was the second-biggest donor to the party’s campaigns, behind only, Hungarian-born leftist billionaire currency manipulator George Soros.

Epoch Times Photo
The FTX logo and mobile app adverts are displayed on screens in London, England, on Nov. 10, 2022. (Leon Neal/Getty Images)

In dissecting FTX’s collapse, it is crucial to appreciate what too few, woefully uneducated in economic truths thanks to a union-dominated public school system, know about company valuation—that what observers accept to be a firm’s worth is always dependent on human judgment that presumes trustworthy conduct. Was Blockbuster Video worth $8.4 billion when Sumner Redstone bought it for that price in 1994? Had he known that some 16 years later, as consumers became able to “rent” movies with a click of their remote, Blockbuster would be a corporate dinosaur filing for bankruptcy, Redstone likely would have considered investing those billions elsewhere. But no one at Blockbuster knew it was headed off a cliff.

In the case of FTX, however, Bankman-Fried likely didn’t need a crystal ball to see that what he and his Caribbean playmates were presiding over was near to doom. John Ray III, appointed to replace Bankman-Fried as CEO during bankruptcy, and previously the overseer of the Enron clean-up, remarked of FTX that he had never seen “such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here.”

Perhaps only a one-time adolescent math whiz absent moral scruples could possess the technical skills and lack of ethics required to pull off shifting his customers’ money back and forth between various affiliated business entities in a shell game that included using new loans to pay interest on old loans in order to present the fiction of liquidity, with celebrities like quarterback Tom Brady and TV actor Larry David enlisted to enhance FTX’s public image. Bankman-Fried even got FTX’s logo on the uniforms of all of Major League Baseball’s umpires, juxtaposing the Nike swoosh adorning those of the players. After flying so high, the firm, once thought to be worth $32 billion, is now under federal investigation for securities violations.

But the writing was on the wall long ago for the Biden administration to see. Crypto was losing a lot of people money in recent months, yet Bankman-Fried was mysteriously buying rival crypto companies like BlockFi and Voyager Digital, as the Securities and Exchange Commission apparently sat idly by.

Epoch Times Photo
Sam Bankman-Fried speaks on stage at Casa Cipriani in New York on June 23, 2022. (Craig Barritt/Getty Images for CARE For Special Children )

Add to all this the fact that Bankman-Fried’s parents are Democratic Party operatives, his father, Joseph Bankman, having helped Sen. Elizabeth Warren draft a tax bill, his mother leading an outfit called “Mind The Gap” that connects donors with Democrat candidates and causes, and his brother Gabe founding a political action committee that uses fear of future pandemics to funnel cash to Democrats.

Compare the fraudulent money FTX loaded up Democrats with to Elizabeth Holmes, disgraced CEO of multi-billion-dollar blood-testing scam firm Theranos, hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign at Theranos’ Palo Alto headquarters in the spring of 2016, dangling a chance for facetime with Chelsea Clinton for those willing to cough up $2,700.

In the cases of both FTX and Theranos, unwitting investors’ cash didn’t all go down the black hole of Bankman-Fried and Holmes’ lies; they financed left-wing candidates and causes the owners of that money did not approve, and no doubt many oppose. And Democrats seem none too happy to take money invested under false pretenses.

Thus the left has found another way to use capitalism in their war against economic freedom—and every other freedom.

Source: The Epoch Times


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Is there a link between ‘Aid to Ukraine,’ the US Democratic Party and the suspicious collapse of the FTX Crypto exchange? | RT.com

By Felix Livshitz

Breaking news throughout the first half of November has been dominated by coverage of the sudden collapse of FTX, one of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges.

The crash has shaken the crypto market, lost institutional investors billions – and individual customers millions – led to official investigations of FTX in several countries, and made some question whether the Bitcoin sphere might crash and burn outright, and perhaps cause wider problems for the financial system.

Some take the view that FTX was a fraud all along, ever since its launch in April 2019. If that’s the case, it has grave implications for the US Democratic Party and Ukrainian government, as the company’s corrupt activity may have been used to fund both, openly and secretly.

Where’s the money, Zelensky?

On March 14, FTX launched a new online portal for cryptocurrency donations, Aid for Ukraine, in partnership with Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation. Through this, crypto traders, both large and small, could donate bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which FTX would convert into cash for the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to spend on weapons and other war-related expenses.

Very rapidly, the fund claimed to have amassed “over” $60 million in donations. By April 14, it was reported that just over $45.15 million of that sum had been splurged on digital rifle scopes, thermal imagers, monoculars, rations, armor, helmets, military clothing, tactical backpacks, fuel, communication devices, laptops, drones, medical supplies, and a “worldwide anti-war media campaign.”RT

©  Aid for Ukraine 

The same records show a further $10 million was spent over the next three months – leaving around $5 million in the bank, so to speak. An Aid for Ukraine social media post on November 15 said this sum was still held in reserve, and that $60 million remained of the total amount of donations received through the portal to date.

This seems very odd, particularly given that Ukraine was reported to have received $100 million in bitcoin donations, and then spent almost all of it, between February 24 and March 11 alone, before Aid for Ukraine’s establishment.  

Read more

Ukraine has taken in at least $100 million in crypto donations this year, but what have officials in Kiev done with the money?

Are we to believe that – over the course of seven months, from the time the $60 million figure was first publicized to today – no further funds at all have been donated through Aid for Ukraine? Despite the entire crypto community having been able to do so, and being actively encouraged to do so that whole time?

Official investigations into FTX, and its founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, have only just begun. However, it seems clear already that he secretly and illegally moved billions stored in the FTX exchange to its sister company Alameda Research, a quantitative trading firm that he also runs.

The gaping black hole Bankman-Fried’s sleight-of-hand created meant that, when customers sought to withdraw their money from the exchange, FTX didn’t have the funds to keep up with demand. It seems he was assisted in this underhand ploy by a “back-door” specially created for him in the company’s accounting, which meant sums could be moved into and out of the exchange off the books, and without auditors or FTX employees noticing.

Much of the money taken out of FTX by Bankman-Fried has disappeared completely. The US Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission are particularly looking at whether these stolen client deposits were used to prop up Alameda in any way, which was reportedly struggling financially.

There is, as yet, no sign though that these authorities are probing an obvious lead – Aid for Ukraine. Was money moved from FTX to Alameda, then channeled to Kiev to be spent on Western – mainly US – weapons, and indeed other activities that the government and its backers in Washington, London, and elsewhere in Europe and North America would prefer to be kept hidden?

Conversely, money raised beyond the initial $60 million total could’ve been funneled out of Aid for Ukraine by Bankman-Fried to enrich himself, or secretly spent for very different purposes – such as funding the US Democratic Party’s election campaigns.


Sam Bankman-Fried ©Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images 

The man behind

Bankman-Fried is a very well-connected figure indeed in US politics. Over the course of the 2020 presidential election cycle, he contributed $5.2 million to two super PACs supporting Joe Biden’s campaign, and was the overall second-largest individual donor to Biden that year.

Such extravagant spending appears trivial today. In 2021/22, he provided tens of millions to Democratic causes and candidates, becoming the party’s second-largest donor, behind only “spyless coup” specialist George Soros. 

Read more

You are under contrôle: French elites privately fear the US and new research explains why

Bankman-Fried has boasted of meeting policymakers in Washington “every two or three weeks for the last year.” Over 2022, this has included multiple audiences with senior government officials and top Biden advisers at the White House. These meetings escalated in volume around the time that the Ukraine conflict began.

On March 7, exactly one week before Aid for Ukraine was launched, his brother Gabe Bankman-Fried – who directs his political operations – visited the White House along with Jenna Narayanan, a Democratic strategist who once worked for the Democracy Alliance, which has been called the “most powerful liberal donor club” in the US.

Bankman-Fried himself then visited the White House on numerous occasions in April and May, concurrent with him donating $865,000 to the Democratic National Committee.

In early June, mere days after his last recorded White House meet-and-greet, Bankman-Fried announced he would invest up to $1 billion in further funds between then and 2024 to guarantee Biden – or whoever might take his place – won the next presidential election. 

These activities have been interpreted by many as an attempt by Bankman-Fried to ingratiate himself with politicians to further his commercial interests. It is certainly true that, at the same time, he and FTX high-rankers were attempting to influence US lawmakers on crypto regulation, to make the market more favorable for his company.


Democratic Party supporters at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York. ©Sputnik / Gina Moon 

In this context, the promised $1 billion appears to be a dangled carrot, an implied promise of future financing if Bankman-Fried got his way. Accompanying him on some of these visits was Mark Wetjen, FTX head of policy and regulatory strategy, who previously served as commissioner on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission under President Barack Obama – but only some. Were the other meetings related to Ukraine?

If so, the $1 billion pledge may have reflected what Bankman-Fried thought could be secretly skimmed from Aid for Ukraine for Democratic Party purposes. It’s conspicuous that in mid-October, he completely disowned that enormous commitment, saying, “That was a dumb quote. I think my messaging was sloppy and inconsistent in some cases.”

In repudiating his $1 billion promise, Bankman-Fried also quietly added that he would stop giving any money at all to political causes. It was just days later that it was announced FTX was subject to investigation in Texas for allegedly selling unregistered securities. Jump to a few weeks later, and the company had filed for bankruptcy.

Bankman-Fried clearly said something he shouldn’t have back in June – whether he got carried away by all the positive press and high-level access his political donations were receiving and wrote a proverbial check in public he couldn’t privately cash, or his comments drew unwanted attention to how much money was actually flowing into Aid for Ukraine, we do not currently know. But the truth must out.

Source: RT.com


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Democrats Worried Republicans May Take Lead Beyond Margin Of Cheating | Babylon Bee

As Republicans continue to expand their leads in polling across the country, Democrats are worried that the leads may soon grow beyond the normal margin of Democrat cheating. 

“Yeah, normally our big-city vote harvesting machines and slimy election procedures are good for a bump of a few percentage points, but Republican poll numbers may have even grown beyond that,” said a visibly nervous DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, (they/them). “I don’t understand why people care more about feeding their kids than they do about voting in literal mega-MAGA, far-right, Nazi, alt-right, white supremacist, Nazi, fascist-adjacent Nazis. It could be the end of democracy!”

DNC operatives are hoping to close the gap by promising free abortions and gender-affirming care, as well as by sending tons of unsolicited emails to millions of voters begging for more money to save Nancy Pelosi’s job. 

Democrats warn that if Republicans gain control of Congress, it will be the end of democracy until the next election in 2024.

At publishing time, Republicans had gone up another 7 points nationally.

Source: Babylon Bee


Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty 
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A three-volume, 750+ page tome with an extensive update of the renowned underground classic ~ the Global Sovereign’s Handbook. Still after all these years, this is the most comprehensive book on sovereignty, economics, law, power structures and history ever written. Served as the primary research behind the best-selling Global One Audio Course. Available Now!


Dawning of the Corona Age: Navigating the Pandemic by Johnny Freedom 
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Bill Maher Reveals Devastating ‘Collateral Damage’ Caused by America’s Covid Policies in Jawdropping Monologue | Trending Politics

By Kyle Becker

Bill Maher unleashed a damning monologue on his ‘Real Time’ show that ran through the immense damage caused by Covid policies during the pandemic.

One of the best things about the segment is that Neil deGrasse Tyson, a famous science nerd who has likened Covid policy critics to ‘conspiracy theorists,’ could only sit and watch, along with fellow guest Michael Smerconish. It was a refreshing dose of reality.

“Now we’re getting some information,” Maher said. “After a while, we have time for find out just how bad the collateral damage has been. Here’s just a few cases. The pandemic erased two decades of progress in math and reading. See, right away, I gotta say, this pisses me off. I see these headlines. All the — the pandemic didn’t do that. The way we handled the pandemic did that.”

“The pandemic certainly was a thing. But let’s not just say the pandemic, because it was not written in stone that we had to handle it the way we did,” he continued. “ACT scores are the lowest in 30 years. Anxiety and depression, way up. The body mass index increase, doubled for kids [ages] 2 to 19. Drug overdose overdose deaths, murders way up. Inflation at a 40 year high, domestic violence increased. Oh, and my favorite car crashes. They couldn’t figure this out like way, way, way up. And they’re finally the — I love this. This is, the experts said, ‘You know what it is, people just went fucking mental.’ They just went nuts.’ They’re like, I’m home, the fucking kids are here all the time. My stupid husband is here all the time. I’m just gonna take it out on the highway. And they did. ”

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“There was a group, the Great Barrington Declaration,” Michael Smerconish chimed in.


“Yes,” Maher said.

“You know, these academics, and a lot of them are at Hoover, at Stanford… I had them on CNN, I put them on regularly on radio,’ Smerconish added. “And there was always enormous blowback because they were saying many of the things that you’re saying now, only they were saying it in real time.”

“That’s the name of the show,” deGrasse Tyson noted.

“Yeah,” Smerconish replied. “I guess what, I guess what I would, what I would add to that is I think one of the great injustices was the rush to judgment. As soon as the shit hit the fan to clear out every college campus in grad school, it never made sense to me that we sent them back through airplanes and car rides with relatives instead of keeping them right where they were. And, and Bill, I, I have three for whom I’m still paying tuition bills. They were so robbed of a year, year and a half of, of all the exchange, the mingling that you talked about last week.”

“Yeah,” Maher agreed.

“We’re never gonna make that time up is my point,” Smerconish said.

“Can I put something in on this?” deGrasse Tyson asked.

“Yeah,” Maher said.

“What you don’t have is the benefit of the alternative scenarios to see how they would’ve come out to be able to judge whether what did happen was a lesser evil than other options that would’ve unfolded,” he argued, “And so, so suppose…”

“Well, actually we actually we do, because other countries handled it differently,” Maher objected. “Sweden didn’t handle it differently. Some of the places with the lowest vaccination rates turned out to have the best results.”

“With really low population densities,” deGrasse Tyson noted.

“Yes. I mean, yes, there are different factors,” Maher said. “There are.”

“I think that matters,” deGrasse Tyson said.

“Yes, of course,” Maher replied. “It matters.”

After the two exchanged crosstalk, Maher made a point that drew applause.

“You just said, ‘we can’t make any judgements because we don’t live in an alternative universe where America handled it differently’,” Maher said. “And I’m saying, saying other places handled it differently. That does matter.”

“It’s a legitimate, I think it’s a legitimate conversation to have,” Smerconish weighed in. “You remember there was talk of herd immunity and how we get there at the outset, and people were shouted down for even raising that prospect. I’m not the scientist you are. But in retrospect…”

“They shouted down the idea that it might have escaped from a lab,” Maher interjected. “That was somehow racist… as opposed to, somehow, if you believe that it came from the wet markets, you were a Democrat, and believe came from the lab, you were a Republican. This is ridiculous!”

Source: Trending Politics


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November Surprise? | Lew Rockwell

Can you picture what will be? So limitless and free… Desperately in need of some stranger’s hand… In a desperate land…. — The Doors

Welcome to the season of chaos, sponsored by the Party of Chaos, America’s Democratic Party, owner and operator of the shadowy “Joe Biden” regime, dedicated to wrecking what’s left of the country — and the rest of Western Civ with it. Do you think I exaggerate? Consider for a moment that your personal ruin — the loss of your freedoms, your livelihoods, and your posterity — is at stake behind the more general demolition of our society.

We are barreling into an election that will determine the composition of Congress. There is much chatter about whether this election will be allowed to happen. Signs and portents point to a grievous loss of power for the Party of Chaos. Power is all they care about — certainly not the public interest or the common good — and a particular sort of power: the power to coerce, persecute, and punish.

It is obvious in everything they do, from the FBI swat-team home invasions of select opponents and the gross mistreatment of the January 6 defendants, to the craven censoring of public speech, to the imposition of medical tyranny and the deadly fraud of Covid shots, to the degenerate insults of their race-and-gender hustles, to their assault on the value of our money, to their sabotage of the oil-and-gas industries, to their treasonous abandonment of border control, to the deliberate perversion of policing and public order, to their promulgation of a faithless and unnecessary war, sharply against our national interests, in faraway Ukraine.

Adults understand that politics is a crooked business, but through the whole of US history until now filters existed in the public arena that allowed for enough sorting out of truth from untruth to enable the formation of a reality-based consensus — which, in turn, allowed daily life to operate coherently. The Party of Chaos has thrown the kill-switch on that crucial function by corrupting the news business and subverting the new social media. The result is a public culture of pervasive and immersive lying, and a stupendous institutional failure of the courts to correct any of that behavior.

Case-in-point: the John Durham Special Counsel Investigation on the origin of the RussiaGate fraud. It now apparently terminates in the prosecution of the tiniest minnow (Igor Danchenko) in that vast inland sea of corruption. Some of the figures who carried out the perfidious seditions of RussiaGate are still employed in the Department of Justice and the FBI, and to this day are active in the continued cover-up of the crimes committed to overthrow President Trump, notably: Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and others.

Mr. Durham is supposedly among the highest officers of the federal courts charged with enforcing a very particular region of criminality. His staff must be marinated in evidence of the RussiaGate misdeeds — reams of which have been independently documented in the public record, ranging from (just for example) the nefarious activities of figures like Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ higher-up Bruce Ohr, working as go-between with Christopher Steele and the FBI, to the spectacular failures of Judge James Boasberg and his FISA court, not to mention the well-known machinations of Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Rob Rosenstein, Dana Boente, James Baker, Andrew Weissmann, Jeannie Rhee, Aaron Zebley, Brandon Van Grack, Robert Mueller, and other top officials who worked sedulously against the public interest. All these remain apparently off-the-hook for their sketchy activities.

How did that happen? If the Party of Chaos loses control of its Congressional majority, Mr. Durham may have to answer that question. And until he does, American justice will remain a deeply broken institution that citizens can’t trust. In that light, how is our country any better than the most overt petty despotisms around the world? How does it deserve the citizens’ respect or even compliance?

The stakes in the midterm elections are huge for the Party of Chaos, and its worker bees may be capable of any duplicity to throw it off the rails. In my soon-to-drop next podcast, blogger Tom Luongo (of Gold, Goats, and Guns) introduces a surprising twist: the election takes place, he says, but the Party of Chaos finds a way to delay the announcement of the results via procedural shenanigans that go on for weeks after November 8, leaving the country in a state of anxious limbo. What an idea! Such a strategy would wreck the last shred of public trust in elections without having to cancel, postpone, or overtly overthrow the process. It would also invite just the sort of public protest that the Party of Chaos can spin into another insurrection narrative.

I’m strangely confident that there is a hidden column of people that love this country who will not allow this final insulting scam to succeed. Its appearance among us will shock and amaze the multitudes. The rule of the Woke Jacobin maniacs will end. And even though we’ll have to live through the wreckage they brought about, we’ll move about this strange new landscape of hardship in the light of reality-made-visible, seeing clearly what has happened and knowing what we must do to revive our country.

Source: Lew Rockwell


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