Dangerous and Exciting Times | Sovereign’s Handbook (30th Anniversary Edition) | Liberty International

Editor’s Note: This 30th Anniversary edition of the Sovereign’s Handbook will be released in Spring 2022 not only as a special print edition, but as an affordable eBook to assure maximum distribution of the ideas behind the life’s work and vision of Johnny Liberty. His important work is an idea whose time has come once again! Please distribute this work widely to arouse the commitment to make America great again.

By Johnny Liberty

SATake a good look around. These are dangerous times to be exercising your rights and liberties in these united states of America. These are also exciting and momentous times to be alive and take a courageous stand for freedom in America and around the world. As Bob Dylan’s classic song prophesized, “The times they are a changing.”

Although not evident through the mass media the tide is shifting away from organized tyranny and towards enhanced and expanded freedoms for all the people of the earth. Eventually the chains of human bondage will be broken and a new generation will unleash a mighty power of goodness on the earth.

Stand up and be counted. Stand up for your rights. Stand up for your individual sovereignty. Challenge external authority and the established world view. Examine your beliefs and free your minds. Have compassion and love your enemies.

One True America

Where is the true America?

The true America is rarely found in our present government. For most of our leaders are too ignorant, blind and cowardly to protect or defend our most precious rights. Many are bent on destroying the U.S. Constitution and shredding it for their own self-interest and power.

The true America is not found in the brain-dead, stupefied public without the willpower to defend their most basic self-interest, rights and freedom. For these are lost sheep. For these are all too willing to accept their conditioning and indoctrination without questioning authority or the source of the beliefs.

Do not look toward any false America’s or listen to false prophets for the answers. For the answers are not found there.

The true America is not to be found in our current leadership or on television. New leadership is emerging and there will you find the hope and the prayers for future generations. These leaders are invisible, sometimes hard to find, but exist nonetheless. These leaders are not born, but made.

Desire Freedom and the Truth

JohnnyAbe-288How much do you desire freedom? How much do you desire your own sovereignty? How much do you love yourself?

A life unquestioned and unexamined is not a life worth living. So you have a choice. To examine your life, your beliefs and to learn from history or to be condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past.

How many more people will die without knowing the purpose of their lives? How many more will suffer lack in the land of plenty?

Sleepwalk or Awaken?

Will you continue sleepwalking through your existence or will you awaken to the drumbeat for freedom, sovereignty and consciousness emerging worldwide?

Have you turned away from a friend, a neighbor, a family member or your countrymen in need, or do you stand beside? For if you do not stand for them, then who will stand for you? The courage and sacrifice that made America great will make America great again, but in a new way.

Everybody Wins, No Plunder

Next time everybody wins. There is plenty for everyone. There is no need for racism, bigotry or more genocide of indigenous cultures. The future is inclusive but everybody must respect the rights, culture and property of each other.

There can be no legal plunder, no excuse, no laws made to justicy stealing from one and giving to another. Each and every man and woman is responsible for their own creations, their own productivity and the consequences of their actions.

Protect the life, liberty and property of your neighbor and you will receive protection. Plunder and you will be plundered. This is the golden rule in action!

Honesty Please, No Tyranny

And there must be honesty and integrity, please.

Enough lies, deceit and dishonesty crafting a grand illusion upon the state of this nation. Enough of the false promises of security and comfort leading ever more dangerously towards global tyranny.

Tell the whole truth and nothing but. It’s a sacred vow of honor daring to speak and hear the truth. If you are blind take a good look around.

If you fail to notice the signs, the writing on the wall, then you may also fail to notice your liberties and property are under attack, not by enemies from foreign countries, but from within by your own so-called “government.”

Government as a Fraud

GSHCover-190x250Today this “government” in America today is a monumental fraud. The income tax is a fraud. The leaders who promise the stars and deliver nothing but lies are a fraud. Stop believing in the lies around you. The least we can do is tell the truth about that.

This book and previous editions had a mission. The mission was to uncover and reveal the hidden truths about American history, law, economics and politics so you and I could reclaim our natural law rights and liberties as a sovereign people.

This book is about freedom. It is about individual sovereignty. It is about restoring accountability in the governments of men and telling the truth about the state of our nation and the world. It is dedicated to all freedom fighters and the lovers of freedom, for without these brave pioneers and warriors, America and the world would most certainly be lost.

Join us now in liberating not only our minds, hearts and spirits, but the chains of human bondage forever.

Source: Global Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty

The Obama Administration’s War on Civil Liberties and Free Speech | Activist Post

While Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was praising the role that the internet played in toppling oppressive regimes (ironically enough, close U.S. allies), the Justice Department was in court in Alexandria, Virginia seeking to invade the privacy and political rights of WikiLeaks supporters even as it shields well-connected “War on Terror” fraudsters.

Scarcely batting an eyelash, Madame Clinton told her audience at George Washington University that “the goal is not to tell people how to use the internet any more than we ought to tell people how to use any public square, whether it’s Tahrir Square or Times Square.”

Rich with rhetorical flourishes that should have evoked gales of laughter but didn’t (this is America, after all), Clinton averred that “together, the freedoms of expression, assembly, and association online comprise what I’ve called the freedom to connect. The United States supports this freedom for people everywhere, and we have called on other nations to do the same.”


Has the honorable Secretary attended a demonstration of late, or found herself on the receiving end of a police baton, a rubber bullet, a jolt from a taser or ear-piercing blast from a “nonlethal” sonic weapon?

Or perhaps Madame Clinton has been served with a National Security Letter that arrives with its own built-in, permanent gag order, had her organization infiltrated by provocateurs, been the focus of “spear phishing” attacks by a secret state agency, say the FBI or one of their private contractors, who’ve implanted surveillance software on her laptop or smart phone, or summoned by subpoena to appear before a Star Chamber-like grand jury?

I didn’t think so. Read more…

Fresh Violence Rages in Libya | Al Jazerra

Libyan forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi are waging a bloody operation to keep him in power, with residents reporting gunfire in parts of the capital Tripoli and other cities, while other citizens, including the country’s former ambassador to India, are saying that warplanes were used to “bomb” protesters.

A Palestinian student holds up a placard displaying the Libyan flag flanked by the Tunisian (left) and Egyptian (right) flags during a protest against Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi in Gaza City on Tuesday. (AFP/Mahmud Hams) Nearly 300 people are reported to have been killed in continuing violence in the capital and across the north African country as demonstrations enter their second week.

Navi Pillay, the UN high commissioner for human rights, has warned that the widespread attacks against civilians “amount to crimes against humanity”, and called for an international investigation in possible human rights violations.

Witnesses in Tripoli told Al Jazeera that fighter jets had bombed portions of the city in fresh attacks on Monday night. The bombing focused on ammunition depots and control centres around the capital.

Helicopter gunships were also used, they said, to fire on the streets in order to scare demonstrators away.

Several witnesses said that “mercenaries” were firing on civilians in the city, while pro-Gaddafi forces warned people not to leave their homes via loudspeakers mounted on cars.

Residents of the Tajura neighbourhood, east of Tripoli, said that dead bodies are still lying on the streets from earlier violence. At least 61 people were killed in the capital on Monday, witnesses told Al Jazeeera. Read more…

“The Genie Is Out of the Bottle”: Assessing a Changing Arab World | Al Jazerra

With Noam Chomsky and Al Jazeera’s Marwan

Massive public protests continue to sweep the Middle East and North Africa in countries including Bahrain, Libya, Yemen and Iran—many being met with violent government crackdowns. We speak to Marwan Bishara, senior political analyst at Al Jazeera English, and MIT Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky. “Perhaps the Arab moment has come,” Bishara says, “It’s clear that the genie is out of the bottle. I think change is coming to the Middle East, to the Arab world.” Bishara also discusses the “Palestine Papers,” the more than 1,600 secret documents that recorded Middle East peace talks between Israel, the Palestinian leadership and the United States, which were leaked to Al Jazeera and published in January. Read more…

After Weeks of Revolution, ‘Day of Cleaning’ in Cairo | AOL News

At the epicenter of the protest that brought down the three-decade regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, young men and women took to the streets again today — only this time, with a different agenda. Armed with brooms, gloves and trash bags, they launched a massive cleanup following 18 straight days of unrest that debilitated the country.

“We’re taking care of the square, and then we’ll clean up the whole country,” Mohammed El Tayeb said while standing amid the volunteer cleaning crews sweeping up Tahrir Square. “This is a beautiful country. Now it’s ours and we’re going to take care of it.”

Across the crowded square, young men walked with paper signs taped to their chests that read: “Sorry for the disturbance, we’re building Egypt.” After days of protests that had such names as the “Day of Rage” and “Day of Millions,” today’s gathering was called the “Day of Cleaning.” A new era has dawned upon the country of 80 million. Read more…

State of Jefferson – The 51st State

A movement to combine the unique geographical and geopolitical regions of northern California and southern Oregon to form the new state – Jefferson. Northern California and Southern Oregon. The effort to re-unite the unique geographical and geopolitical subdivisions of northern California and southern Oregon into a more sensible and equitably represented state. This effort has been on-going since the 1850’s. Read more…

Republic of Cascadia

Now is the time for the citizens of Cascadia to demand their freedom from the oppressive governments of Canada and the United States. For too long have our people put up with indifference and condescendence from distant seats of power. We have been subject to francophonic imperialism and wasteful spending of our tax money. Our entrepreneurs have been attacked by the so-called justice system for merely doing their jobs and growing our economy. When will we say enough is enough?

The former American states of Oregon and Washington and the former Canadian province of British Columbia must join together as a sovereign nation. Only then can we have self-determination and take our rightful place in the Global Community. Read more…

Gaza Freedom March

By Yusif Barakat

I am in Cairo, as of December 24th, and will return on January 18, 2010 (see below).

During the “Reign of the Goddess”, the compassionate nurturer, and the procreator of life—there was peace.  When the Hebrews converted to the male God image (the warrior) we have had wars for thousands of years.  Throughout history women have promoted peace and at times refused conjugal favors until their men put down their weapons.  Unfortunately, modern women (especially American) have been conscripted and have bought into the male macho slogans: “might makes right” and “the end justifies the means”.

Fortunately, some women have remained true to the Goddess image and have maintained a vigil for Peace.  An example of this is the women who established Code Pink and are sponsoring the Gaza Freedom March.  For more information see www.gazafreedommarch.org.

There have been many men who have championed the Goddess concept as well and have promoted peace, such as, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  One such person that I know personally is Father Peter Dougherty, who just won the International Gandhi Award.  I met Father Dougherty 20 years ago when I first got arrested for civil disobedience while protesting nuclear weapons at Williams International.

Father Dougherty is the founder of the Michigan Peace Team (formerly known as the Michigan Faith & Resistance Peace Team).   I served 10 years on the MPT Board and remain a trainer for their training in non-violent resistance in areas of conflict.   I am proud to be on a delegation from the Michigan Peace Team, along with 5 women to participate in the Gaza Freedom March.

Attached are two press releases, one from the national Code Pink and one from Michigan Peace Team.  We must break the death grip that Israel has on the Gaza Strip and all of Palestine!  View this 5 minute You-Tube video by Marice Jacobsen to see for yourself what is going on in Gaza and the Gaza Freedom March plans: www.vimeo.com/7956625.

Our intention is to raise awareness amongst the international community and inform Americans, who spend billions of dollars supporting the Israeli genocide of Palestinians.

Please forward this e-mail to your friends and participate in any way you can to create a moral awareness around the death grip Israel has on Palestine!

Hubb Wa Salaam


P.S. I’m also attaching an article about me, titled “Jogger”, which will give you an idea of my dedication & passion for peace, along with the 2 press releases.  Please excuse any duplication of this message that you may receive as a result of my amateur attempt at computer communication.

Freedom Force International

G Edward GriffinBy G. Edward Griffin

Freedom Force International is a network of men and women from all parts of the world who are concerned over loss of personal liberty and expansion of government power. They are not mere complainers. They have a plan to do something about it. They also share a common belief in The Creed of Freedom, which is a statement of principles that guide them in their mission to build a better world.

Totalitarianism is on the rise everywhere because advocates of big government have taken leadership control of the power centers within every society. Power centers are organizations and social groupings – such as political parties, labor unions, church groups, media centers, and professional societies – that hold political power based on their claim to represent their members and on their ability to lead public opinion. It has taken many years for them to achieve this dominance over society, but they have succeeded. It does no good to complain or to theorize about what should be done. As long as advocates of big government hold the power, nothing will change.

One of the most profound differences between dogs and cats is that cats focus on effects while dogs focus on causes. If you toss a pebble at a cat, it will look at the pebble. If you toss it at a dog, it will look at you.

In this respect, too many people are like cats. They are preoccupied with the details of their loss of security, freedom, and privacy, and they flutter like wing-clipped pigeons, complaining about this and that without knowing why these things are happening. By contrast, members of Freedom Force focus on the cause and work to eliminate it. The degeneration of civilization is not the result of blind forces of history operating beyond comprehension or control. It is planned and caused by a small but well defined group of people who believe this decline is necessary for what they fondly call The New World Order but which we recognize as high-tech feudalism in which mankind will be condemned to live in perpetual subservience to elitist rulers.

edgriffindoorhanging-288The identities of these elitists are known. They have names. They belong to organizations. They meet together to create strategies and they work jointly to implement them. They dominate the power centers of society. We will not escape their plans by looking only at what they are doing. We must focus on them and remove them from their present positions of power. Any other plan of action is doomed to failure.

That, however, is not enough. If we focus solely on the identities and personalities of those who are promoting the decline of liberty, we will be stumped by the fact that, even if we should succeed in removing them from their positions of influence, there are many more just like them waiting to step into their places. In the final analysis, it’s not the names and identities or political party affiliations of these individuals that matters as much as what they believe, what ideology they hold. Their ideology has a name. It’s called collectivism, a concept that government is master and people must obey. It’s to no avail to remove one collectivist from power only to replace him with another one – which has been the pattern for all too many years. It is time to stop acting like cats, stop being forever fascinated by the personalities and deeds of our leaders. We must be more like dogs and focus on the ideology of our leaders, because that is the cause of their deeds.

The solution is simple. It is to take back control of the power centers of society, one-by-one, just the way they were captured in the first place. Replace the collectivists with people who have no personal agendas except to defend freedom. This will unleash the vast human potential for prosperity and happiness that can be realized only in the absence of government oppression. However, to reach that goal, it will be necessary for those who cherish freedom to do more than complain and far more than just casting a vote every few years. They must reach for power. That is the reason for the motto of Freedom Force: Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt, which is Latin for “Those without power cannot defend freedom.”

The Freedom Force strategy can be summarized as:
Don’t fight city hall when you can BE city hall.

eaglewflagbest-288The mission of members of Freedom Force is to shape public policy within their respective countries in favor of personal and global freedom. The method is threefold: (1) dissemination of ideological and issue-related information, (2) instruction in how to become influential within community and national organizations, and (3) instruction in how to lawfully and constitutionally convert that influence into public policy. Members seek to become change agents so they truly can make a difference in the world.

Freedom Force is a global brotherhood of the most enlightened and dedicated people in the world. We are building an international network of leaders who, in spite of differences in nationality and culture, are in solidarity with the principles expressed in The Creed of Freedom. We now have members in sixty countries, and the number continues to grow. (See flags below.) Nothing like this has happened before in history. It is a powerful force that cannot be stopped. Welcome to the Brotherhood of Freedom.

Source: Freedom Force International

Fiji: “Draconian Prosecution” of press

FijiBy John Liebhardt

For the second time this month, Fiji’s military government has threatened to send a newspaper editor and its publisher to prison for publishing a letter to the editor alleged to be in contempt of court.

In mid-October, the Fiji Times and Fiji Daily Post printed a letter from a certain Vili Navukitu of Queensland, Australia complaining about a recent high court ruling that legitimized the actions of the country’s president in dissolving the Parliament, and the elected government of Laisenia Qarase, immediately following the December 2006 coup that brought into power Commodore Frank Bainamairama.

The letter (which has been reprinted in this post) pointed out that Bainimarama had undue influence on the jurors because he had previously removed the court’s chief justice.

After the letter was published, Fiji’s Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum accused the Fiji Times of being in contempt according to Fiji’s laws because it casted doubts on the integrity and independence of the courts. The Fiji Times printed a front-page apology admitting contempt and offering to pay all court costs.

The Attorney General, unimpressed with the apology, has asked the court to jail the editor and publisher of the paper and apply stiff fines to the paper. The case is in recess until December.  The editor and publisher of the Fiji Daily Post, where the letter also appeared, could meet the same fate, the Attorney General declared this week. Both newspapers have been asked to provide full details of the letter writer.

The scandal comes at the heels of the announcement that press freedom group Reporters Without Borders ranked Fiji 79th for press freedom out of 173 countries, a large leap from the previous year, where it was 107.

Fiji’s bloggers have largely expressed outrage at the case against the two newspapers.

Source: Global Voices Online